Concierge medicine and Direct Primary Care are generally used interchangeably but they vary a bit in their general philosophies. As a stereotype, concierge practices are more expensive than DPC (often $2000-3000+ per year), and a significant difference is that concierge practices generally continue to bill insurance, necessitating billers and coders and staff to interact with insurance companies. A “pure DPC” practice does not bill any insurances and because of the low overhead can afford to pass that value on to the patients in the form of lower monthly charges and lower additional costs. There are no co-pays in a direct primary care practice as there are in concierge medicine, and no need to always have you come to the office. When medically appropriate, your concerns can be handled via phone, saving you time and allowing you to stay at work or home. We are as accessible as concierge, and provide the same level of service at half the cost!